Electrical Cord Reels

Electrical Cord Reels, Cord Protectors, Floor Cord Covers Reviews

How Do You Cover an Extension Cord on a Floor

How Do You Cover an Extension Cord on a Floor



Cover an extension cord on a floor, you can use various cable management solutions such as cord covers, cable ramps, or cable protectors.

Do you often trip over extension cords at home? Worry no more!

We have the answers on how to cover them safely and neatly.

How Do You Cover an Extension Cord on a Floor

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Why Is It Important to Cover Extension Cords?

  • It keeps your family safe from tripping.
  • It protects cords from being damaged.
  • It keeps your home looking clean.
  • It prevents pets from chewing on cords.

Different Ways to Cover Your Extension Cords

Let’s dive into how you can keep your cords covered and out of sight!

1. Use Cord Covers

Cord covers are great for keeping cords out of the way.

  • They come in different colors and sizes.
  • You can find them at most hardware stores.
  • They are easy to install.

2. Try Floor Cable Protectors

Floor cable protectors are strong and really reliable.

  • They can handle many cords at once.
  • They often have non-slip surfaces for safety.
  • They protect cords from foot traffic.

3. Use Rugs Or Carpets

Rugs or carpets can cleverly hide your cords.

  • They add to your home décor.
  • They keep cords out of sight.
  • Ensure the rug does not become a trip hazard.

4. Go With Wall Cord Concealers

Wall cord concealers stick to your wall or baseboard.

  • They are slightly more permanent.
  • They look good and are paintable.
  • They keep cords off the floor.

5. Try Under-carpet Tape

Under-carpet tape is very thin and goes unnoticed.

  • It’s a subtle way to route cords.
  • It’s perfect for low traffic areas.
  • Make sure it’s compatible with your carpet.

6. Opt For Cable Management Boxes

Cable boxes tidy up cords into one neat package.

  • They hide multiple cords at once.
  • They prevent dust on your cords.
  • They can fit behind furniture.

Installation Tips for Cord Covers

MeasureKnow the length of cord you need to cover.
Cut to FitTrim the cord cover to the correct length.
Clean the FloorEnsure the floor is clean before installation.
Secure in PlaceUse adhesive backing to stick it down.
Add the CordsSimply place the cords inside the cord cover.
Seal the CoverLock or clip the cord cover closed.
How Do You Cover an Extension Cord on a Floor

Credit: www.cabletiesandmore.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Do You Cover An Extension Cord On A Floor

What Are Safe Ways To Cover Cords On The Floor?

Using cord covers that are specifically designed for floor use is the safest way to cover extension cords. These covers protect the cord from foot traffic and reduce tripping hazards.

Can You Hide Floor Extension Cords Easily?

Yes, floor cord concealers or cable management products like raceways easily hide and protect extension cords on the floor.

What Are The Best Floor Cord Covers Available?

The best floor cord covers are durable, have a non-slip surface, and blend seamlessly with your flooring. Popular brands include Legrand, D-Line, and ChordSavers.

Are There Decorative Options For Cord Management?

Decorative cord covers are available, with options such as wood grain finishes or colors to match your decor while keeping cables organized and concealed.

How To Secure Extension Cords On Carpets?

To secure extension cords on carpets, use double-sided tape or hook-and-loop strips designed for carpet use to prevent the cords from shifting underfoot.

Is Taping Extension Cords To The Floor Safe?

Taping cords to the floor is a temporary solution, but for safety, it’s essential to use heavy-duty, electrical-grade tape and avoid creating tripping hazards.

What Does Cord Cover Installation Involve?

Installing a cord cover involves measuring the desired length, cutting the cover to size if necessary, placing the cord inside, and securing the cover to the floor.

Can You Cover Cords Without Damaging Floors?

Yes, floor cord protectors can cover cords without damaging floors, as many have adhesive backing that’s easily removable and leaves no residue.

How To Choose The Right Size Floor Cord Cover?

To choose the right size floor cord coevr, measure the diameter of your cords together and ensure the cover’s channel is large enough to accommodate them without being overly bulky.

Are Floor Cable Covers Different From Wall Cord Covers?

Floor cable covers are designed to withstand foot traffic with a flat or rounded top, whereas wall cord covers generally have a slimmer profile for a flush wall fit.


We hope you found these tips helpful for covering cords.

You will find your home safer and better looking.

Choose the best method that suits your needs and home!


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